In an age when data have taken on an ever-more important role, data we can trust is at the foundation of connecting the world. At 51st Session of the UN Statistical Commission, World Statistics Day 2020 was launched. The theme of the 2020 celebration is "Connecting the World with Data we can Trust".

A key element in the design of this year’s logo was to represent the importance of trusted data in the world today. The logo is designed with the use of a check mark blending into a bar chart whose data flows into the globe. By enclosing the elements in a full circle an overall sense of security is portrayed.
2020 is an important year when we celebrate not only the third World Statistics Day, but also the 75th Anniversary of the United Nations, the mid-point in the 2020 World Population and Housing Census Programme, the virtual UN World Data Forum 2020, and so much more.
The importance and role of official statistics in achieving sustainable development goals, and in responding to the global pandemic has never been greater.
This year’s World Statistics Day coincides with the virtual UN World Data Forum, which brings together statisticians, data scientists, politicians, experts from the business sector and civil society to highlight how the global community has responded to the data revolution and the demand for innovative solutions to meet the data demands of the sustainable development. It is not by chance that the third World Statistics Day takes place during the UN World Data Forum this October.
In June 2015, the General Assembly adopted resolution 69/282, in which it was decided to celebrate the (World Statistics) Day every five years on 20 October. The first World Statistics Day 2010 and second World Statistics Day 2015 were commemorated on 20 October in over 130 countries and areas. The third Day will therefore be held on 20 October 2020.
The World Statistics Day 2020 logo is available in the six official United Nations languages: Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian and Spanish.
World Statistics Day 2020 will again be celebrated globally with local events organized by national statistical offices, statistical organizations, UN organizations and universities. We invite you to translate the logo and text into local languages and share your events and logos to be showcased on this website.