OECD Latin America and Caribbean Data Portal launch



19 October 2020

For over 20 years, the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) has been working closely with countries in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) to facilitate policy dialogue and support reform efforts. The growing engagement of LAC countries and regional stakeholders with the OECD, as well as our strong partnerships with regional international organisations has led to the production of more OECD policy indicators and data for an increasing number of countries in the region.

In conjunction with World Statistics Day 2020 we are launching a new version of the OECD LAC data portal to increase visibility and provide user-friendly access to this growing online resource. The portal brings in relevant datasets from across the OECD together in one platform, covering 12 categories of indicators: Education and skills, Environment, Digital economy, Gender, Health and health systems, Investment, Macroeconomics, Public Sector, SMEs, Taxation, Trade and Well-being.

This project reflects the commitment of the OECD LAC Regional Programme to expand the availability of statistics on the region and increase the participation of LAC countries in OECD key indicators, for better-informed and targeted policy assessment, dialogue and decision making.

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